Within this world are all things wonderful and blissful, yet at the same time, there is horrendous evil and suffering. There are people on our planet who you would consider angels doing miraculous things. And, to the other extreme, we have humans who commit atrocities we don’t want to describe.
This is life on this planet. This is our dimension, our existence. Our perception is key: our personal realities and the world around us.
We all think differently and have our individual beliefs, yet we seem to want everyone to think like we do. The diversity in this world is meant to be enjoyed and appreciated. Don’t expect your brother-in-law or cousin to think like you do. They see (their) reality with different eyes; we can respect that.
If we took all the people railing against a position, a corporation, a government, or a political party and turned their angry energy into peace, the opposition would be nullified. The lack of peace within causes trouble without. It is the anger and hatred that keep the negative cycle alive.
Sometimes, the people who seem not to be suffering are the ones who are numb. Sometimes, the ones who feel deeply all the pain of humanity also realize with exaltation the profound, exquisite beauty life serves us on this planet. They are the poets, the creatives, those who can express the divine to us. They are courageous and open-hearted, choosing to see the beauty and describe it to us. I think this is a decision we need to focus on to heal our individual worlds so that they spread to others’ worlds and others’ experiences.