New Book Announcement

We realize many, if not most, of you found the Kasey Claytor site and offerings because you are interested in financial success. We hear you. Many came to us because they were interested in one of Kasey’s books. We plan to send a survey soon to ask why you went to the Kasey Claytor site and what you would like to see in future offerings to live your life with joy and well-being. For instance, would you like to see more on the financial markets? How about more on meditation and creating wholesome well-being?
Look for this in your inbox soon.

One of the things Kasey has grappled with is narrowing her topics down to one or a few! She is interested in almost everything, even having blogs on politics, finance, and well-being.

Also, Kasey is setting up a free giveaway on Goodreads starting August 26,
2024, for her Money Map Book, signed by the author. It is a great time to join if you aren’t on Goodreads. There is so much great information, news on your favorite authors, reviews, to-read lists, and a chance to write your own book reviews.

Lastly, Kasey’s memoir, Finding the Light, Navigating Dementia with Her Son, is coming out this October. The reviews are already pouring in! Read some below.

To Your Prosperity and Wellbeing,

The Phoenix Team


Reviews for Finding the Light

I was deeply moved by Justin’s journey as Kasey Claytor depicted in the book. Dalai Lama may see it as a reminder of the frailty of the human condition and the importance of compassion, patience, and love in caring for those who are suffering. It can be an opportunity to practice empathy, kindness, and selflessness in supporting individuals with dementia and their families.
Practical advice given for families within this book in similar situation is invaluable.
Vijay Jain MD, Integrative Medicine physician integrating Ayurveda with modern medicine.

“Finding the Light offers a ground-level and personable view into the experience of FTD for all whom it touches. Perhaps more importantly, Claytor provides the crucial reminder of the inherent wholeness that is ever retained in those diagnosed with FTD – witnessed here in the life of her son, Justin. This book serves not as a disembodied manual or how-to guide, but rather as a humane and spiritual reorientation to the gifts in life that
will not be limited by the diminishment of cognitive functioning.”
– Rev. Matthew Kern, MDiv

I first met Justin when I was working as a new nurse at Market Street. Although his time with us was cut short, he will forever be a positive light in my nursing journey. His love for his mom (BME)and brother Aaron, was so apparent. Kasey and her family played such a pivotal role in Justin’s health and well-being, and advocating for him was always their priority. In this memoir, Kasey showcases FTD on a raw, unfiltered, emotional level. This book will be such an eye-opening tool for other families and healthcare professionals!

Danielle Torres, LPN

A few more:

“WOW ok, so I read this “entire” manuscript and am changed for it. I can’t wait for this book to come out!”


“I am in tears after reading this. Many do not have the where with all, the higher perspective, and the ability to cope as you have and see what you can see, and that will be the gift and the practical.”