About Kasey
When we are born, our perception from our senses is brand new. We have no formed opinions or knowledge of being alive on this planet. As we experience this new existence, we begin creating our EGO. Think of it as the software of our humanness. As we grow, we learn from our family, environment, and experiences, and our ego develops all its beliefs, likes and dislikes, attachments, and aversions. The ego is necessary to keep us safe, but it can also be a source of pain.
But even before we were born, we were Spirit. And we still are Spirit—the higher self, Soul, that portion of us from whence we came, the Divine, to which we are still connected. From our pure Self, we can receive guidance and peace. This is one of the reasons we meditate: to become aware of our higher perspective. Seeing from this vantage point allows grace.
We suffer when perceiving solely from our EGO because we believe the thoughts and stories we tell ourselves. We project the stories we hear and believe onto others, the world, groups, companies, and governments. All things, from great beauty to horror, are in our perceptions. There is real suffering in this. I do not deny the tragedies happening throughout the world.
The great religious traditions teach us to be in the world but not of it. What does this mean? It means to step back from the judgmental EGO. If you can catch yourself in the midst of telling yourself about a tragedy and are beginning to feel forlorn, then you know you have a choice. You can find the peace residing in your higher self right now and perceive from there. It’s fairly easy when everything is going great, but it takes practice when our minds are full of worry, resentment, anger, or fear. Meditation, breathing practices, yoga, and other forms of mindfulness can help us move out of this mental suffering. With these modalities, you will learn to raise your consciousness to more peace, love, blissful moments, and well-being.
They will move you away from the emotional and mental suffering you experience from what you are observing. This makes it much easier to serve in the way only you can and help others with a clear mind.