Infinite Possibilities

The Art of Living Your Dreams

Thursday, August 7th 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Thursday, August 14th 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Thursday, August 21st 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

918 South Washington Ave.
Titusville, Florida
321-383-4005\Email  to register 

Please call or email us to reserve your seat, seating is limited.

This course is different–it is approached with a sense of lightness, joy and wonder in the creation of our lives and the Universe.We will focus on your immense ability to create the life you want.Whether you are young or old, facing career problems, unemployed, health problems, emotional issues, or just lack a sense of purpose, this is your chance to begin again, be filled with optimism, and connect to who you really are and with others of like mind.This is a course that Mike Dooley created and with his awesome success, he wanted to multiply the good work by training others to spread this great knowledge far and wide and make it available to anyone who wants to change or improve the course of their lives.We are bombarded with negative messages everyday.Many of us have been taught that we have no power, that life is hard and we must struggle to get where we want to be.The discussion we will have in this classwill show you the thriving, joyful life we were all meant to have, no matter where we currently are, no matter what our age or life situation.All materials, book, and course are included.I will give you tools, exercises, and information to step into a new life.It is packed with Mike Dooley’s wonderful, unique viewpoint and is extremely  helpful in manifesting what we want.It will be given on three consecutive Wednesday afternoons, beginning August 7th from 2:00PM to 4:00 PM. I hope to you see you there.


“It is never too early or too late to begin learning the truth about who you are and all that you’re capable of doing, being, and having.” ~ Mike Dooley, the Infinite Possibilities workbook in a letter to students.

Join me for this fun and fantastical journey, where we will take these lessons to our magical lives.