About Kasey
Kasey Claytor is offering a 90 minute workshop on Discovering Your Mind/Body Type based on Ayurveda, the ancient health system of India. Why do some have digestive issues, some gain weight easily, and others are prone to rashes and irritability? Why some people are quick talking and creative, while others are intense and convincing, and still others are warm and nurturing? What makes you the particular way you are? What are your tendencies, vulnerabilities, and strengths? A questionnaire will be handed out so you can find out what your constitution is and how it affects everything in your life. Learn how you can create vibrant, resilient health for your mind/body type. This class is a good stand-alone talk to explain Ayurveda and how to apply this knowledge, but it’s also a preview of the 5 session in depth course Kasey will be offering later this year. The cost is on donation basis.
Saturday, September 30th, 10:00 AM
Osprey Conference Room
918 South Washington Ave.
Titusville, Florida
email osprey@cfl.rr.com