January Newsletter 2018

This year is starting off for me in an unfamiliar, sort of scattered way. I’d like to be really honest with all of you, I want to be as authentic as I can be this year. We are all moving through this life trying to discover who we really are, what is true, how to be all we’re meant to be, where to go next, and with who! And while trying to discover all this, we continue to get side-swiped by the unexpected!
The end of 2017 was such a tumultuous time in my life and others around me! My car got hit by someone texting. Some clients I was close to passed away and I’ll miss them. We had a major hurricane that caused some damage both at home and the office, and then there is the problems seemingly caused by ‘other people’. We like to point out where other people cause us problems too, don’t we?
We are in transition. We are growing, changing, and it isn’t pleasant sometimes. We have an opportunity to use this time of rapid change to our advantage.
My strong intuition is that this is the year of action. It is confirmed when I am listening or reading respected teachers, writers and spiritual leaders. This is the year of learning to handle our emotions with mastery, speaking what is in our heart, living our personal philosophy, and creating an environment around us that inspires us to move into more wellbeing and raises our consciousness.
This is our big mission. Big commitment. By not making these plans, or setting intentions, we are living by default, thrown in unwanted directions without an agenda. We end up just reacting, and who knows where that leads? I feel like this happened to me all too often last year.
What have you really wanted to do; felt inspired to do, but didn’t act on it, and  that inspiration dwindled away? I admit to you that I did this last year. I received strong impulses to create new programs and then felt overwhelmed at the prospect. I lacked the energy to put into them because I let my ego tell me it was just too hard. I’m kicking that response to the curb this year.
So for all of us:
Whether you are inspired to go volunteer in non-profits, or start a new service, get involved in politics, start a blog, change careers to something more satisfying, change who you hang with, or change yourself, this, my dear, is The Year.
And I would love to hear from you. What programs you would like to see in 2018. I have two possible programs on the back burner: one on creating abundance and one on Ayurveda, both of which will take a time to create and will be multiple weeks in duration. And I’d like to challenge myself and do them online, we have so many of you spread across the USA and beyond. So please share what you’d like to see.
So clearly, I’m going to make changes. For events in the future, I will require registration by a certain date, enabling me to plan.  I apologize to those who had wanted to come to the year-end program last month. I had to cancel it due to lack of interest. After cancelling, I had a handful of people contact me the day before it was to be and I’d already made different plans. I’m willing to still do this in January. It isn’t too late, ever, to set intentions. Just let me know your interest by replying to this email.
Much love to you in this brand new year.
Thank You for being who you are! You are needed and invaluable for the planet.
Peace, Love and Wellbeing,
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PS: You may, or may not know, I like studying politics, it is closely related to psychology and sociology, which was my major once upon a time. Therefore, in full disclosure this year, I’m sharing my blog, The Evolution of Political Consciousness. I do think we are in the midst of a big reorganizing of our whole political system.  Here is an entry about balance.