About Kasey
Learn To Meditate
Practiced for thousands of years, meditation is a tool for rediscovering the body’s own inner intelligence. Primordial Sound Meditation uses individually selected sounds of nature called mantras, to disconnect us from the activity of life. These primordial sounds are based on the vibration the universe was creating at the moment of your birth. Practicing Primordial Sound Meditation on a daily basis will help you:
• Manage stress & reduce anxiety • Enhance your sleep patterns• Improve your relationships Lower your blood pressure • Create inner peace Connect more deeply to spirit
Given in a retreat-like atmosphere with optional yoga classes, short films, catered graduation lunch, discussions and, of course, group meditations.
Learn Primordial Sound Meditation as developed by DEEPAK CHOPRA, M.D. and DAVID SIMON, M.D.Co-founders of THE CHOPRA CENTER FOR WELLBEING
Next Class given by Kasey Claytor, Certified Chopra Instructor, at the Osprey Conference Room, Titusville, Fl.
Sessions I & II Saturday, March 24th, 2018
Sessions III & IV Saturday, March, 31st
*Must Register by March 19th*
To register & fill out the application go to our STORE
You will see a drop down menu with different prices for seniors, students, military, etc.
Free e-booklet here describes the course in detail. The e-book contains an application too. A link to it all is on the store page. Complete that, and pay with the Paypal button on the store page. You can call 321-383-4005 during business hours or text 321-432-6626 for more information. Once registered, we will email further instructions! Welcome to our tribe!