Books Available
Finding The Light
Finding the Light is a poignant memoir about a mother’s journey caring for her son with a terminal form of early-onset dementia, Frontotemporal Degeneration, or FTD. From the overwhelming tasks that must be done to ultimately sharing the meaningful insights that can be gained in this experience, you can’t come away without being deeply moved. —MORE -
The Money Map
How does your thinking and behaving create suffering in your financial life? What individual habits, actions and beliefs create poor financial health?—MORE -
Spiritual Will & Legacy
Here is a workbook to bequeath your beliefs, ethics, values and history as a legacy to your heirs. Pass down intangibles like your knowledge and what is in your hearts.. There are questions to inspire you on various topics such as impactful life lessons, humorous family stories, good advice—MORE -
This small, pink, stuffed dog, Pinky, wanted nothing more than to be the best loved of all the stuffed animals sweet Francesca had. In this endearing story Pinky learns just how important his love is. From Francesca’s dream to Pinky’s big award, this little book will steal your heart. Find out why this was written, and how it came about. —MORE -
I Know...Me Too
“These selected poems were written over a 40-year period. I dedicate this small collection to all the people who have touched me through these years: those who have loved me, liked me, challenged me, humored me, listened to and understood me, or"—MORE -
The Light of Grace
The Light of Grace takes readers on an epic spiritual adventure as Grace, a newly-assigned angel, is given four humans to guide: Mumbi, an innovative prehistoric girl guided to break through limitations; Garth, a devout 14th century Christian who questions his faith... —MORE -
The God of Anna
The story is a memoir told by Anna, about a year in her life that held serious struggles for her when she was about to turn 11 years old. This bright, introspective child lost her loving father and gradually came to realize that he had held their little family together with his charm and philosophical outlook. —MORE -
7 Laws for Raising...
The 7 Laws of Raising Kids to be Financially Independent introduces parents and grandparents to the powers they hold to bring a fulfilling and abundant life to their young ones. It is written for parents who seek an empowering, warm, hands-on... —MORE
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