An Elevated View

Crossing the wide span

Of a tall river bridge

I want to freeze the moment

As I gaze out across

the endless wide water.

It always makes me ecstatic

Uplifting me to some

Other plane of existence

As if I were flying high above

All troubles and strife.

I feel every cell

In my body sing

With bliss

And sitting in my little

Loft back home

Again, from a height,


The water below

I am transported.

The media

The news

The anger

The barking heads

Float away

As a higher perspective

Takes hold.

A knowing of a

Larger vantage point

Of this tiny moment

In history

And the infinite

Possibilities within it




Comparing Ourselves to Others

In this day and age where we have so many outlets for intimately seeing other’s lives, and it’s important we aren’t distracted from our own.
Comparisons can be dangerous—and can lead to feeling of inadequacy, sadness, inferiority, even depression.
Comparing yourself to those you admire or comparing your family to other families you think are more together, better, happier, more successful, is going down a path that isn’t helping your feelings of wellbeing.
Know this—your place on the road of life is REAL; meaning, it is, for you, uniquely designed for your destiny. Only you have the mix of situations, family members, and events that are moving you toward your highest evolution—your deepest realizations, your total blossoming. So, follow your own path, regardless of other’s paths; you have a destiny all your own.

The Relevance of Meditation


When someone comes to me with concerns, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, the first strategy I recommend for coping and healing is to learn to meditate. When the body is sending stress signals of discomfort, when the mind is bouncing from worries to regrets and back again, when a person never finds the time look inward and discover the peace that is there, then the first thing to do is begin to learn to this practice. It makes everything else easier, enabling you to stand back and observe your life, your relationships and events from a new perspective, not shadowed by emotions and drama. The clarity one begins to see with makes solutions to problems more apparent.

Our normal operating mode is through our ego, which stores all of our memories and past emotions since birth. (Also functions of the left hemisphere of the brain.)  If we operate solely from our ego, we find ourselves getting attached to positions, roles and ‘stuff’. Then, if anyone or anything threatens our relationship, role or ‘stuff’ we react emotionally without realizing we have a choice.

Have you ever been in the middle of an argument or unhappy thoughts when suddenly you ‘woke up’ and realized how silly you were being? What you have done is stepped out of your ego for the moment; you’ve awoken to your real self, the source of your consciousness. The expansive joyful self we were meant to be. (Some would say the right hemisphere.) When you have the ability to move out of your ego, you won’t be tripped up so often into feeling offended, angry, hateful, jealous, etc. And even if you do, you know that isn’t the real you, so it doesn’t hold as much weight for you. Your awareness is enhanced. With this enhanced awareness you can begin to address the other issues in your life that you want to change. What once seemed like a ‘big deal’ is reduced to a more manageable size. You know you are more; you are greater than the small ego that used to be your entire awareness.

One day, after meditating for a month or a year or two years you wake up and KNOW you can achieve what you want, you can heal, create, be, do and have your hearts desire. You begin realizing you have a choice on how you react to events and situations instead of reacting with the learned response of your family of origin, (your default behavior). As you notice people around you, you grasp on a deep level what is motivating them, and naturally have more compassion towards them. That is not to say all your challenges drift away and you are forever blissfully lounging on a  hammock on some tropical island. One thing I have observed, as the students go through this process, is their the next challenge: that of discerning what in the world they do want and what their true purpose is! This will be your next quest.


What Is Health?

What is health anyway?

With all the talk about the flu lately, and how seemingly healthy individuals can have very serious cases of it, it brought to mind how we think of health.
In the tradition of western medicine, the definition of health is an absence of symptoms of illness or disease. In actuality, one could be out of balance, on the verge of developing an illness or disease, and not have what doctors would call a symptom. Our bodies, when becoming out of balance, are whispering to us through many varied signs such as: trouble sleeping, feeling irritable, wanting to eat when not hungry, feeling lethargic or anxious, irregular bowel movements, foggy headedness, lack of joy, headaches, indigestion, lack of appetite, and so on. None of these conditions will make you run to the doctor, but all are signaling that there is something off, something amiss, and if you ignore it and don’t change whatever habit or behavior caused it, you might develop something more serious, or your immune system may be affected. Your body may get louder and louder until you have to pay attention.
According to Ayurveda, the ancient system of the art and science of life, perfect health means you fall asleep easily, wake feeling energetic and positive, you have smooth, regular elimination of all waste, hearty digestion, good appetite, calm mind, laugh easily, and you release resentments and as well as prejudices. We are all striving to get there.
I’m not suggesting by doing everything Ayurveda recommends and we will never get the flu, but our life will be enhanced with vibrant health for much of the time. Even if we have a chronic condition or serious disease, by following healthy principles we can feel a lot better.
Ayurveda sees food as medicine and a first line of action when there is an imbalance:

When diet is proper, then medicine is of no need.
When diet is improper, then medicine is of no use.

My suggestion today is listen tenderly and carefully to what your body is telling you. That is your first step in creating wellbeing for yourself.

A poem on the topic

It’s not what the scales say,
It’s how you feel in your skin.
It’s not how far you can run,
It’s how light you feel in your step.
It’s not what job you have,
It’s the love you feel when doing it.
It’s not how many people love you,
It’s how much love you feel for others.
It’s not how much money you have,
It’s how much you feel free.
It’s not how many hours you sleep,
It’s how often you awake with joy.
It’s not how attractive you look,
It’s how much beauty you see.
It’s not what things you have,
It’s how you use what you have.
It’s not fame that makes your life full,
It’s whether it authentically expresses you.
(From I Know…Me Too, A Collection of Poems, by K. Claytor)

January Newsletter 2018

This year is starting off for me in an unfamiliar, sort of scattered way. I’d like to be really honest with all of you, I want to be as authentic as I can be this year. We are all moving through this life trying to discover who we really are, what is true, how to be all we’re meant to be, where to go next, and with who! And while trying to discover all this, we continue to get side-swiped by the unexpected!
The end of 2017 was such a tumultuous time in my life and others around me! My car got hit by someone texting. Some clients I was close to passed away and I’ll miss them. We had a major hurricane that caused some damage both at home and the office, and then there is the problems seemingly caused by ‘other people’. We like to point out where other people cause us problems too, don’t we?
We are in transition. We are growing, changing, and it isn’t pleasant sometimes. We have an opportunity to use this time of rapid change to our advantage.
My strong intuition is that this is the year of action. It is confirmed when I am listening or reading respected teachers, writers and spiritual leaders. This is the year of learning to handle our emotions with mastery, speaking what is in our heart, living our personal philosophy, and creating an environment around us that inspires us to move into more wellbeing and raises our consciousness.
This is our big mission. Big commitment. By not making these plans, or setting intentions, we are living by default, thrown in unwanted directions without an agenda. We end up just reacting, and who knows where that leads? I feel like this happened to me all too often last year.
What have you really wanted to do; felt inspired to do, but didn’t act on it, and  that inspiration dwindled away? I admit to you that I did this last year. I received strong impulses to create new programs and then felt overwhelmed at the prospect. I lacked the energy to put into them because I let my ego tell me it was just too hard. I’m kicking that response to the curb this year.
So for all of us:
Whether you are inspired to go volunteer in non-profits, or start a new service, get involved in politics, start a blog, change careers to something more satisfying, change who you hang with, or change yourself, this, my dear, is The Year.
And I would love to hear from you. What programs you would like to see in 2018. I have two possible programs on the back burner: one on creating abundance and one on Ayurveda, both of which will take a time to create and will be multiple weeks in duration. And I’d like to challenge myself and do them online, we have so many of you spread across the USA and beyond. So please share what you’d like to see.
So clearly, I’m going to make changes. For events in the future, I will require registration by a certain date, enabling me to plan.  I apologize to those who had wanted to come to the year-end program last month. I had to cancel it due to lack of interest. After cancelling, I had a handful of people contact me the day before it was to be and I’d already made different plans. I’m willing to still do this in January. It isn’t too late, ever, to set intentions. Just let me know your interest by replying to this email.
Much love to you in this brand new year.
Thank You for being who you are! You are needed and invaluable for the planet.
Peace, Love and Wellbeing,
sig with blank background
PS: You may, or may not know, I like studying politics, it is closely related to psychology and sociology, which was my major once upon a time. Therefore, in full disclosure this year, I’m sharing my blog, The Evolution of Political Consciousness. I do think we are in the midst of a big reorganizing of our whole political system.  Here is an entry about balance. 

When There is a Bad Feeling….


To transcend

a bad feeling

don’t hold it back,

push it down,

wish it away,

or deny it.

Open yourself

to fully feel it

with all of its

pointed daggers

and crushing weight.

As this emotion

is acknowledged by you,

wholly felt,



only then

may it begin

finding its way

through you

and seek an exit.

It’s a Women’s World to be Had

Another report out today, this time from the World Economic Forum’s findings and projections revealing the gender gap is worsening. They rank countries by economic opportunities, education, political participation and health.

These kinds of reports send off alarm bells in my head. Not because I’m not aware of these realities, not because I don’t feel deeply for my sisters across the world, but because many of these disadvantages need not be, especially in our western countries.

I began my journey into the work world in the early eighties. I entered male dominated industries. I had a fire in my belly to succeed and where I found blocks that would not move, I sidestepped, blazed through, or left for more opportunity. In the year 2000 I finally fully awoke to the realization that fighting to move within this masculine hierarchy was foolish. I began my own company and have been joyously fulfilled ever since. (I must mention that I love men, and love working with men, and highly respect most of the men I’ve worked with.)

Going to work for a corporation still in the old paradigm, within the structure of the masculine hierarchy, is the problem for many women and men. They are dependent on the men in the company to see them, promote them, value them, etc. And the system was set up so long ago, the values, habits, and customs are outdated. I remember a manager telling me I would not be successful because I had a ‘warm’ personality. (He, with a harsh personality, ended in failure.)

If you are a woman working within a large corporation run mostly by men, take note. You’ve entered an old system that is becoming outdated. Why give your power and your future to something outside yourself? Learn all you can, hone your skills, and make a plan to take charge of your own career track. When you are told no find another way, because there always is another way. Brainstorm with others if you feel stuck.

And always take tender loving care of yourself. Find moments to get clarity, enter silence every day, this will help you see opportunities and solutions.

(Photo is of me over 30 years ago, brokerage days!)

A Tiny Story

There was once a young woman walking down her life path, and every so often she would pick up something and put it somewhere: in her pocket, her back pack, purse, over her shoulder even. This goes on for years. She thinks these things she is collecting will improve her somehow, make her smarter, prettier, happier and look more successful, and they do make her feel good for a little while—until she thinks of something else she wants. She hears about some of these things from other people. Some are the way others behave, and present their image. She sees some accessories on other people and they look so nice. Some are shiny, some do things. But it becomes increasingly heavy for her to carry it all. On top of that, she holds onto all the disappointments and failures from her experiences on her path, and these too become quite heavy.
Her back begins to ache, her knees hurt, and she begins to walk bent over with all the weight of it. And then something changed. She felt she couldn’t carry it all anymore, so she sat down with all her things clanging around her. The ground felt so good. Without holding up all these enhancements, pretend acts, and objects she thought would make her better, she felt lighter.
So, light, in fact, she decided to disentangle herself from all of these things. And suddenly she felt a rustling in her back. And in a beautiful unfolding, with a loud womp, womp, she lifted off the ground with silvery white wings that had been tucked within her all these years. Her heart opened wide and she knew she always had everything she could have ever needed, already inside.

Post Hurricane Observations & New Class Time

 Well, we all survived Irma, albeit a bit bruised and battered. I am wishing all of you in Florida and Texas are well on your way to total recovery and more. It is interesting what a big storm ‘washes up’.  Along with the fog of storm after- effects, (Many of us are bumping around, forgetting where we were before the storm!) people are telling me they have experienced new ahas, found increased confidence, even vital tidbits of information in their dreams! Going through hurricane preparation and cleanup always presents not only a cleaning out of old stuff, but an opportunity to clear old habits and old thought patterns. Let’s use these sometimes harrowing events to reassess where we are and where we’re going.
     Obviously we had to cancel the live Ayurvedic program scheduled for September 9th. We are re-scheduling it for Saturday, September 30th, 10:00 AM. We were near seating capacity, so it is important that you let me know if you are planning to come. We have a plan B in place if we need to move to a bigger space. Just reply to this email with your name, number of attendees, and contact information. See more below. 🙂
Kasey Claytor is offering a 90 minute workshop on Discovering Your Mind/Body Type based on Ayurveda, the ancient health system of India. Why do some have digestive issues, some gain weight easily, and others are prone to rashes and irritability? Why some people are quick talking and creative, while others are intense and convincing, and still others are warm and nurturing? What makes you the particular way you are? What are your tendencies, vulnerabilities, and strengths? A questionnaire will be handed out so you can find out what your constitution is and how it affects everything in your life. Learn how you can create vibrant, resilient health for your mind/body type. This class is a good stand-alone talk to explain Ayurveda and how to apply this knowledge, but it’s also a preview of the 5 session in depth course Kasey will be offering at a later date.
 The cost is on donation basis.
Saturday, September 30th, 10:00 AM
Osprey Conference Room
918 South Washington Ave.
Titusville, Florida