About Women

I wrote this last night after watching the news. Instead of railing against how the news is presented, I write.

I like hearing about women who ignore the idea that the world is stacked against them. Women who do what they want regardless of what others think. Women who do not listen to the rhetoric that says women have been discriminated against, who act as if this is not the case, who venture into all worlds with the expectation that they can do anything, and see no barriers, only opportunities. This was ingrained into me by my father.

There were blocks in front of me in the early 80s when I became a stockbroker. I tried to join Rotary but was told they weren’t ready for a woman member, I was chased around a desk from a groping manager; I have stories, but making those stories into a victim’s story is devolving. I just chalked it up to the idiot behavior of a few. Mostly the men in my life have been great, and working in an industry with so many men has been a blast.

It seems like we’re going into another round of hearing women are victimized. One of the ways we fight this is by moving past the perceived barriers, don’t believe in them.


Those who choose to point at the reasons why they can’t succeed, won’t. Those who barrel on through regardless, just may change the world.

Inviting Peace In

What do you do when you’re stressed out, fed up, feeling as if things are way out of control, and you can’t do anything about it? What is really going on? Let’s see, and learn some steps to find peace.

The futility of thinking you could have control over what is going on in the world.

We rail against big events in the world, terrorism, poverty, corruption, etc. as if feeling this indignation will somehow be of benefit. It’s not. Our negative emotions are designed to cause us to take action, but often there isn’t an action to be taken, at least not in the moment. When these strong emotions happen, stop and just observe them, allowing them to course through your system and dissipate. Only when your tense up, constrict and hold on to them does it cause negative effects on you and your body.

The constant stimulation of outside information can throw us off balance.

We are bombarded daily, even hourly, about issues and problems from every corner of the globe. Down through history that news was few and far between. Broadcasts from every type of media magnifies every large and small piece of news that will garner attention. That is, the more controversial the better. Remember that this news is a very small piece of what is out in the world, and the world is full of amazing, dynamic, and good people doing great things.

The more aware we are of how the content is affecting us, the better we will be able to make wise choices on what and how much to watch. I have friends that don’t watch the news at all and they seem to know everything that is going on by moving through their work, errands and social media anyway.

Inside information-dropping awareness to the body

There is a great way to immediately test how information coming into your senses is affecting you emotionally: drop your awareness into your body and listen. Is your stomach tightening? Do you feel pressure in your chest? Is your throat tightening? You are being affected negatively. You don’t have to wait until the symptoms grow louder, such as anger rising, tears welling, or irritation burning within you to change your attention to something else. You can use this awareness to choose shows and movies as well. Of course, a little stress from a suspenseful movie is fine. Learn to tell the difference between that and the feeling of being disturbed to the point of real discomfort.

Disaster planning

It is so easy to get caught up in telling ourselves stories of what if. What if that awful candidate wins the election?  What if I fail at my job? What if my boyfriend leaves me? What if, what if…..

We can sit and delve into this projection until we become completely troubled when nothing has happened yet. Byron Katie, a wonderful and wise woman, devised a process called The Work to challenge these disturbing thoughts.  Questioning them such as, Is this really true? Do you know absolutely that it is true? I highly recommend her books and websites

By catching yourself in the middle of thinking awful outcomes, after finding yourself absorbed in an imaginary future, you’ve just woken up to what you were doing. I call this a mini-enlightenment, because you became aware. Most people never do! That’s awesome!

Look at your life right now, in this moment

When you find yourself in a worried state, shift your attention to what is going on right now; mute that TV, turn the radio off, put down your device, and look around. You’re sitting on a chair perhaps, or standing, or driving. Maybe you’re outside. How does the air feel? What is going on in your vicinity? How does your body feel? Are there any sounds you can hear? You will immediately shift to a calmer state.

In this present moment, notice, all is well. All that exists is in the present moment. This is where you live. You can’t live in the future or the past. Only in the present.

Be willing to see things differently.

The things you notice, the people, the events, are all noticed by you because there is something about them that you’ve bought into or believe in. even if it is the opposite.

Remember everyone sees themselves as the good guys.


It is still the best medicine. Laugh long and often. See the humor in our follies and foibles. Quit taking life so seriously.



Give yourself a massage as often as you can. Self massage is recommended a few times per week for most, before you shower. Take five or ten minutes to work some healthy oils like sesame, coconut, almond or other pure oil into your skin.

Eating well

This means eating as clean as possible; eat refined, manmade foods sparingly and lots of fresh veggies, fruits and proteins. Learn to listen to your body when it registers almost full, and stop eating.


Take the stairs, park away from the store, walk daily, do yoga or other movement. Use your body and it will respond with lowered stress and vitality.


The crown jewel of self-care, encouraging a healthy emotional state, more clarity, better immune system, better sleep, lowering stress, blood pressure, resolving old habits, and on and on. Meditation helps you see things in a new way, enabling you to shift your perception and step away from emotional triggers that can sabotage your happiness.

Mass Consciousness

As I have told people for many years, we get the politicians we deserve. By that I mean the most dominant level of consciousness, with the most energy and impact, will prevail. We will get the politicians in an answer to this energy. Whatever way it goes, it is heralding a big shift in the system, which will eventually cause a big change in the governing body. But, as far as your individual life, you may not feel much change at all. You are on your own trajectory. Be self-referred. You are captain of your own ship. The most important thing for all of us to do is be the peace we wish to see in the world, and this means not working ourselves up into a frenzy with what is going on outside, but paying attention to our own life, the peace you are creating, and working within your centers of influence to make all of our lives better.


Benefiting from Retreat


It was an extremely enjoyable and refreshing time, going on my annual silent retreat in the Monterey Peninsula with the Chopra Center. Not the huge revelations that I had on my first venture into week long silence, but Deepak was his usual provocative self and it was productive and educational none the less.

Leaving the retreat early in the morning, feeling rested—in balance emotionally, spiritually and physically—I glided through airline glitches and typical aggravations with no internal registering of stress. Until upon boarding, when I found someone in my seat! The flight attendant helped the family who had thought they had everyone’s seats right, correcting the seating. The irritated mother ended up sitting in the seat beside me. Loudly complaining. She will never use this airline again. And how can her children fly 5 hours without a screen for movies? No one told her they needed ear buds and their own devices!

I looked at her with her fire (Pitta) burning hot, and had a dread of sitting beside her for the whole, long flight. But, before the dread became a fixture in my system, I had the presence of mind to remember I had a choice. My reactions are my choice. So I calmed myself—breathe, relax, it’s just a little storm that will pass.

I settled in my chair. She continued to talk. To me, the attendants, the children, and her husband; she ordered Champaign, and began asking me questions. “Are you going home? Have you ever used this airline? Isn’t this awful? First Class, this is not even like it.”

I smiled. I sort of shrugged my shoulders. “Oh well.” I said. And I asked her what she is going to do in Florida. She began telling me of their plans, fun plans, and she started to calm down.

Then the miraculous happened. The more she talked, while I listened, the softer she got, the kinder, happier. She asked me what I was doing in Monterey and I told her. She was fascinated. When the subject turned to what the retreat was about, including balancing life with Ayurveda, yoga and meditation, she seemed intrigued, so I gave her a ‘sampling’. I told her of the mind/body types, and how we all react differently to life’s situations, events and stresses, according to our composition of the three doshas. Then, I told her about herself, her leadership qualities, her desire for the finer things in life, her strength and strong will etc. etc. And how she reacts to stress!

She smiled and acknowledged, Yes, yes!

Then I told her how her daughter has a similar mind/body type and that may cause them to clash sometimes, but it is just because they are so much alike. She is a leader too. I talked of the other girl, who I also thought was her daughter, and told her this one is different, quieter, more self-reflective, and sometimes blames herself for what goes wrong. And she tends to get a bit anxious. Well, the woman was completely amazed. Right on! She smiled. She told me this other girl wasn’t her own, she was her daughter’s best friend. And we went on like this. Her asking me questions and I answering. She told me that this has been a life changing moment for her. She asked me what books to read, where to go….

We had a great time. And then I meditated on the plane while they all figured out how to use their devices to watch movies.


Why sign up for this Chopra Course?

about this course (reprinted from a previous newsletter. We received so many positive comments we thought it should be in our blog.)

We are offering the Chopra Center Meditation program next month, August.This practice has deeply changed my life. Up until I went to the Chopra Center 14 years ago, I led a ‘regular’ life; I had my family and work, and I loved both. I read spiritual books and inspirational books that gave me insights and good thoughts; but I was putting off experiencing a large portion of life that I wanted.

After learning the Chopra meditation technique, my life began to change dramatically. This new path led me to where my fulfillment lies. Looking back, it is astonishing what I’ve accomplished. Other people probably didn’t notice much, but my inner-life and self-expression burst forth in the following ways:

I wrote the novel that had been roaming around in my head for years

I went on to write more books, blogs and created new websites and formed new companies

I continued taking courses with the Chopra Center became a certified instructor and since 2005 I have taught many others this process and watched it work in their lives. Each class has taught me something new too.

I completely reorganized my business; studied and passed the test to open a Registered Investment Firm. I went fee-based and converted all of my clients into a new program in time to protect them from the ’08 meltdown. I broke associations from the brokerage firms that were later doomed.

The guidance I’ve received is no less than miraculous.

Meditation has allowed me to free myself from the drama around me, to calmly observe so that I can see clear solutions. Origins of the viewpoints of others are revealed enabling me to have a better understanding of them. Relationships are deeper and more meaningful. I find my inner guidance is available to help me overcome challenges.

I want to encourage those of you who have thought about coming but, for some reason, haven’t yet, to seriously consider taking this course. I think it will prepare you for anything and assist you in exploring all you can be.

Also, since we’ve been teaching here, we have added lots of great extras to the class. It is given over two Saturdays. This Weekend course will be given beginning August 12th and  at the Infinity Yoga & Wellness Cocoa Beach.

Don’t let the tuition stop you if you are having financial difficulty. We do provide some scholarships. And, if you have already taken this course from us, feel free to audit, no charge. We would love to have you as long as there is room.

I have spent my whole adult life trying different forms of meditation. This is not guided meditation–it is much deeper. This just may change your life.

Go to our Events page to learn more about the course.

Author’s Note

I’d like to tell you that this whole story was completely written by me, from my brain, my own imagination, but I tell you, while writing this book, more often than not, when I sat quietly, or took a walk along a riverbank, or was driving my car, letting go of the machinations of thought, I received a download of a significant portion of the story. It came as direct knowledge, at first not being assembled into words. It came in pictures, feelings, and events, as if I were watching a movie. I would ‘just know’ how each character felt. I would experience surprise right along with the characters as events unfolded. From day to day as I wrote the book, I often had no inkling what was going to happen next. Sometimes, I would write what was shown to me, but it didn’t make sense at the time, and I would judge it as a bad idea, thinking, where could it possibly go from here? Then, a few days later, the rest of that narrative would arrive, and to my surprise it would make perfect sense, in fact, I would see the brilliance of that idea.

At other times I would jot down an idea I thought up, one that sounded good, and later when I sat at my computer to put it in the story, I wouldn’t be able to find it, anywhere! My own ideas were often ‘lost’ or forgotten!

Therefore, I had quite a bit of help in the writing of this story. The ‘truths’ in this book are what the angels, my guides and loved ones on the Other Side, wanted you to know.

It was great fun working on this book. Now that it is out in the world, with its own existence, it’s not mine anymore. I hope it finds good homes.

Extreme and Extraordinary Times*


Everyone would probably agree that we are experiencing unusual times, scary times you might say. Times filled with fear of the future. Where are we headed? Will the current administration’s plan work?  They are certainly spending an enormous, unfathomable amount of money. Will this get us back ‘on track’?

We are delaying the inevitable. The decisions being made today are based on fear. Fear of not doing what is seen as the only option. Fear that if they don’t act, don’t spend, an unknown and unclear danger will rise up and swallow us.  I’m not sure the previous administration would do anything different. Certainly, they also made radical decisions from a platform of fear and actions are based on what is believed to be the only viable solutions.

Decisions based on fear of not taking action—and subsequently action is the only option they see before them—greatly reduce the chances of real innovation, creativity, originality of solutions or building a new paradigm. There are always an unlimited number of solutions to any challenge, situation, or predicament. We are blind when we do not see this.

We are on the cusp of chaos. By spending an enormous fortune, we are only delaying this chaos; but it will come, as chaos always does.  When it does, we must redefine ourselves. Throughout history, we make earth-shattering and profound changes only when in the pit of severe crisis. We are going to the brink and will be forced to reinvent our future, reinvent our governance and rebuild the free-market system.

It cannot be seen right now—it hides beneath our consciousness and our collective consciousness—ready to reveal itself once we’ve exhausted the old paradigm.

When we move into this chaos, those that move forward without fear, those that are flexible and courageous, will become evident to all except those that are still stuck in the old ways. These new stars with their shining ideas will seem so obvious then. When we hear their solutions now, we don’t recognize them but disregard them as impossible, much like Copernicus’ statement that the world was round. We live in the middle of many myths that will be dissolved beyond this brink.

It will be, and is, such an interesting time in history. I’m sure many people will view these changes as painful, those that hold rigidly to their old beliefs and insist on the previous patterns of society as the only way to succeed and thrive.

Whether you believe in the Age of Aquarius or other prognostications won’t matter. What will matter is your ability to be open-minded and flexible — your ability to pull from your inner resources, imagination, and vision. We will, indeed, thrive beyond our wildest dreams in an entirely new way. It is obvious to me that we must. When pushed in a corner, we either shrink or come out blazing, ready, clear-headed, focused and changed. What do you choose?

Why wait? Why not begin to throw yourself into the next age now? Set your own intention on how you will serve? Those that find a way to share their unique gifts will discover unlimited treasures. Be Extraordinary.

*This was originally written in March of 2013, but still pertinent.


The BIG Announcement

You know when you’ve been working on a project for what seems like forever, and you are nearing the end, how you wonder if it is really done, if anyone will like it, etc. etc?

Well, I find myself in this position—finally, finally getting close enough to see the end result. Ready to show the world my new book, “The Light of Grace, Journeys of An Angel”. And then I brace myself because I am putting myself out there, more than I ever have. Showing pieces of my inner beliefs and soul that I am not accustomed to revealing.

Of course, I am aware that some people will not ‘get’ my work, or enjoy it, and may even say things to me that aren’t nice. But there will be others that will benefit from what I have written, and so I want to share it with the world.

I am telling you, my friends and tribe of seekers, about the availability here first. I began writing this book in May of 2013! It is finally done, with all the starts and stops while I lived my busy life. And all of you, some of whom have been with me for ten years on this path, will have first dibs to get a copy. Read a bit about the book here.

I just went to a bookstore, wandering down the aisles, wondering where my book would fit in: Spiritual Fiction? No such category. Philosophy? Nope, it’s fiction. Self-help?  No, because it is told in story form, but it is instructive! Alas, it will be lumped in with general fiction. I wonder how many authors get frustrated with that!

I wrote this book because I have had so many experiences in my life that revealed to me that there is guidance from the spiritual realm. I will share these experiences at my book launch party, which will be announced here!

What I have written below is the secret to how this book came about. The Light of Grace is written to not only enjoy and relish, reading about some amazing lives, but to also raise your consciousness as it is read.

Thank You for being who you are! You are needed and invaluable for the planet.

Peace, Love and Financial Wellbeing,


Kasey Claytor

PSSST, Here is a secret about this book.

I’d like to tell you that this whole story was completely written by me, from my brain, my own imagination; but I tell you, while writing this book, more often than not, as I sat quietly or took a walk along a riverbank, or was driving my car, letting go of the machinations of thought, I received a download of a significant portion of the story.

It came as direct knowledge, at first not being assembled into words. It came in pictures, feelings, and events, as if I were watching a movie. I would ‘just know’ how each character felt. I would experience surprise right along with the characters as events unfolded. From day to day as I wrote the book, I often had no inkling what was going to happen next.

Sometimes, I would write what was shown to me, but it didn’t make sense at the time. I would judge it as a bad idea, thinking, where could it possibly go from here? Then, a few days later, the rest of that narrative would arrive, and to my surprise it would make perfect sense. In fact, I would see the brilliance of that idea.

At other times, I would jot down an idea I thought up, one that sounded good, and later when I sat at my computer to put it in the story, I wouldn’t be able to find it, anywhere! My own ideas were often ‘lost’ or forgotten!

Therefore, I had quite a bit of help in the writing of this story. The ‘truths’ in this book are what the angels, my guides and loved ones on the Other Side, wanted you to know.

It was great fun working on this book. Now that it is coming out into the world, with its own existence, it’s not mine anymore. I hope it finds good homes.

Solving Our Problems: Who is Right?

What is it with all these different opinions, different judgements flying around the world? Who is right and who is wrong? How can good people think so differently than I do? Will we someday get to a place where we can all agree on being loving and kind to one another?

These questions may come up, especially now, when we are in the heat of an election year. We believe our opinions are perhaps better, or more evolved, or more correct, than other people’s.

Is this a matter of ego? Or intelligence? Or maturity? Education? Culture? What causes one person to gravitate to one world view and another gravitate to something wholly different?

Well, ego, intelligence, culture etc. all do have an impact, but these aren’t the cause, but the effect of consciousness.

Consciousness can be measured on a scale of levels. Consciousness is another word for awareness. When we come into the world we emerge into a family and culture that already has a certain level of consciousness, so right away we are resonating in the neighborhood of that one.

So, our life begins at a certain level of consciousness. It usually doesn’t change drastically during our lives unless we have a life altering experience, a mysterious strike of divine intervention, or we commit to raising our consciousness through spiritual, psychological, religious, philosophical or other studies and practices such as meditation.

At each level of consciousness there is a dominate world view. At the lower levels the view of the world could be a dangerous one filled with enemies and a frightening, punishing god. As we go up the levels of consciousness we find, ever so slowly, more love, more peace, and consequently the belief in a more loving god.

At each level of consciousness reality changes. One person lives in a scary world of violence and another lives in a world where hard work brings some benefits, and still another lives in a world of episodic calm and abundance. All here on earth. The inner world of the person projects onto the outer world the manifestations of their own level of consciousness. Our planet is the domain of this experience. All people are creating the world according to their own consciousness.

As one moves up these levels, new solutions to problems appear, fulfillment of desires become easier, understanding behaviors of others become second nature, and feelings of bliss happen more and more frequently.

As mass consciousness, the totality of all beings, evolves, the governance and care of all beings will improve.

All problems have different solutions at different levels of consciousness. So, if you see one answer to a problem as the only right one, try to remember there are infinite solutions to any problem. There is no right and wrong here, only consciousness. One way to look at it, is, how much of God’s love and peace are you able to allow to flow through you?

This world is the ideal setting for our growth, don’t you think? Each of us creates the world we are able to, at our level of consciousness, and we can purposefully change our experience by raising our consciousness. As we move through these levels, our assistance to the wellbeing of others increases in effectiveness too, until, just by our being in the world is enough to benefit all of mankind.

Resources for further information:

Power VS Force by Dr. David Hawkins

To Raise Your Consciousness PDF on Kasey’s site

It’s All About Consciousness on Kasey’s Blog

It’s All About Consciousness

I saved an article* I read a few years ago by a man who had spent his life traveling the world to solve humanity’s problems. For 40 years, Thomas Dichter worked for such organizations as the Peace Corps and the World Bank. He saw up close how the money was spent and how effective the projects were. As he looks back at his efforts he has to admit that the problems he had worked so hard to solve still continue to persist.

Why is this? Why, when we come in with shovels and seeds, computers and condoms, teaching literacy and legal reform, does it not make the impact we intended? One thing Thomas points out in his book, Despite Good Intentions: Why Development Assistance to the Third World Has Failed, is that we plan and fund what we think the countries need, instead of basing our efforts on what the countries tell us they want and what they can sustain. In that article I clipped and saved, Thomas stated, “We put money into projects before they’re ready, make partners out of those with little management capacity and create dependency when we wanted self-reliance.”

The reasons for our failure to make real change, despite our considerable efforts, all come down to consciousness. By this I mean the differing views of reality at different levels of awareness. The world looks different to individuals, groups, communities and countries depending their level of awareness or consciousness. Even truth can be subjective if we look at it this way. If you consider the level of consciousness that manifested a particular problem and then compare that with the level of consciousness of those who are trying to solve that problem, you begin to see why these problems persist. There’s a disconnect. Each level of consciousness has its own worldview, its own truth, that’s unique to that level. People cannot easily leap from one level up several levels on a map of consciousness. They can usually move up one level at a time.

Efforts to solve such perpetual problems as poverty, prejudice, wars, crime, abuse, ignorance, famine, violence, theft and corruption would be so much more effective if we met the people we wanted to help where they are now, at their current level of consciousness, and then showed them how to get to the next level. Sometimes, helping them to the next level can be as simple as helping them see the relationship between their thoughts and behaviors and their lives. Sometimes it can be as simple as introducing the concept that hope is a good thing, without introducing complex machinery and our own values. We can see the consciousness of, say, prejudice and help people move from their current level of consciousness to the next higher level by perhaps using a model like they have in Ireland, teaming Catholic teenagers with Protestant ones for a common goal.

Coaxing individuals to transcend levels helps them experience more success in life, as well as greater well-being. Say someone is just moving up to the level of holding a steady job. If we were to try and teach him about retirement and estate planning, we will fail him, because the next course of action, or topic to tackle, would be simple banking skills. This actually has helped me look at the suffering in a different light. One that makes it easier to feel there is action we can take, and as we rise in our own consciousness, more answers on how to help will appear.

* Orlando Sentinel Feb. 13, 2005

(This is a reprint from my former blog, but I thought worth posting again)